

I have been salivating over picking up a 3DSxl to play some of the old Zelda games.

I disagree that it ruined the ride.

except downsizing bureaucracy.

The idea that Trump is conservative is absurd. He’s antithetical to classic conservatism in every sense.

With all due respect, I so thoroughly disagree with your hot take. Michael Bay will proudly give you all the nonsensical lasers you crave; what makes Star Wars special is that is a fairy tale metaphor for our own struggles with Dark and Light. The moment when Yoda explains the Force, like a master explaining the roles

I’m 43. 38 is a fucking baby.

Yes. There’s a certain disbelief at watching old episodes of “Get A Life.” HOW WAS THIS ON? What the goddamn hell, it’s...oh dear, god, this is...something I have never seen before. I’ve heard him described as a poor man’s Andy Kaufman, and there’s certainly some resemblance because it’s being not funny as comedy, but

I’ve said this before, and I’ll say it again. But even with the pictures, I still don’t believe you have kids.

I’m not much of a fan either. He seems like a nice guy, but...give me some Mitch Hedberg any day. I always think I missed the point, and I’m a guy who considered Chris Elliott our greatest national comedic treasure.

A couple of points:

But, mid-term elections are so booooring. I KID! I KID!

I’m not disagreeing with anyone on here. I was just pointing out that the main claim of this article is that no long-term, permanent damage will be done by the fucknutz in charge because their tactical strategy is self-defeating. It suggests that short-term damage is inevitable, but it won’t be serious.

Great article, thank you. Charles Schulz is my favorite American after MLK and right before Lou Reed.

For once, Pete Carroll is right and this is an inside job.

My understanding from the article is their actual impact will be minimal because they can’t get anything done because they don’t have a pragmatic base.

? Wasn’t the point of this article that we’re not fucked? That the people in power have attached themselves to an ultimately powerless political strategy which will ultimately destruct?

I wish this beagle owned the Raiders instead of Mark Davis.

#rootedinoakland is a serious slap in the face to Connie Mack, Home Run Baker, Eddie Plank as well as the 26 fans of the immortal KC Athletics.

At least, Clevelands isn’t #wahooitup