
Not sure what what "white male shaming" is, but I promise I'm not into that. I don't think Repizion (?) is a bad person, but he is parroting viewpoints based on an emotional reaction. My original point was the Repizion's POV is everywhere already, and it's just sad to see someone pick it up and repeat - to me, that

Repizion is his name! Thanks, I will.

Please read subsequent replies on this - I had an emotional reaction to his regurgitation of an established, and frankly, weary POV based on his own emotional reactions which did not lend themselves to a reasoned rebuttal of Anita. I should have calmed down, I repeated his sin.

If you're white and male in western society, you are privileged. You've got nothing but aces economically in your hand. This is a fundamental fact. There's not a socieconomic factor that doesn't show that - Do you mean something other than economics, because, frankly, you've lost me. (Sorry, you were replying to

I am missing your point. The patriarchal POV is spoken every day in nearly every facet of our culture. Anita is providing the other POV. Where does it say I'm trying to silence Anita. Dear God, no! I love these videos. I don't agree with everythign but I am overjoyed someone is challenging the status quo. So I think

I have answered your concerns in later posts.

No offense, Chilly, you would be wrong. History books themselves are annals of violence against women, and the way so many societies if not encouraged it, tolerated it. The laws of some countries - where a woman could be stoned to death for adultery (which, of course would not happen to a man) - are still grim

PS After reading your whole post, I'd have to disagree with the idea Anita is an extremist! Quite the opposite, I would think most people find her POV fairly middle-of-the-road, or at least these videos, I mean for-pete's-sake, could they be any tamer? I don't think she goes as far as she could because these videos

I completely disagree and if this culture survives global warming/proliferation of rogue nuclear weapons long enough, I wouldn't be surprised to see matriarchal societies return (and these discussions one day flip flopped.) Muscular strength is absolutely not the reason societies survived and thrived - and I'd argue

Hi Rusty, I addressed your concerns in later posts.

(This will be the last time I respond here.)

You did.

see reply #9,928,028 below where I address this.

100% agree. I hope I'm not evil.

Good points, all, Edward. No one is telling you to not watch/play anything - although certainly, if you noticed common themes of misogyny in what you're enjoying, you might want to question it. You might want to question if you want your dollars going towards things that repeat views which hopefully we're growing away

I've addressed this - please see my replies. Though I was not clear as I need to be, I mentioned "white male POV" not him as a white male, which is absolutely on me for not being 100% clear I have an issue with his viewpoints, and the utter lack of critical self-reflection and ability to see beyond the blast shield of

Systems receive their power from individuals. Just for fun, I'll quote Mitt Romney, "corporations are people." My point being the man, society, etc receives its consent for its value structures from individual people.

in the future, i'll just link this video. Much, much, much better than my little missives as a rebuttal. Thanks.

I'm showing my age by now even knowing what it means or where it's from. some ways I agree. These videos are definitely designed for a larger audience, and sadly, come with the pitfalls of that type of medium. I mean, let's be honest, YouTube isn't going to win any Peabody awards for investigation.