
He needs to distract his base as people are starting to figure out what a corrupt lying sack he is

I figured the ending out when I went to the bridge and smashed the viewport and saw it was all looking glass

Why would the kids even have to hide wanting to stay in New York for a few extra days? It makes no sense—they're adults.

What about the late Natalie Cole, who said "I've got [Courtney] Love on my mind."

The episode was great fun to watch but three things really bugged me about it: 1. For the cliffhanger, Sam kept saying "mom, mom" right when they left but he was quiet at the start of last night's episode. 2. Maggie was totally safe where she was. Why the risky plot to "save" her. 3. How did Daryl kill someone AND

I think Enid is a spy for the wolves—that was hinted at by the photos at the end.

At least this is fiction vs. the right-wing Bundy supporters pointing guns at feds with no consequence.

60 years is enough time to start making judgments about what was "best". To me, "most influential" and "best" aren't necessarily the same.

Hamburger Lady is a fantastic choice and nice to see *someone* else on the planet still knows the Throbbing Gristle. There's a few I'd add:

For me, nothing will *EVER* equal the manic insanity that is the first side of "Low", though the individual song "Five Years" comes close.

I'm glad the that Tori willing to take chances is back. I was a huge fan of everything through TVAB and it was all very different. I'll admit, though, that the first time I heard Choirgirl I said "wtf is this?!?" but its genius grew on me and it really is such an intense disc that by the time Pandora's Aquarium comes