ANOTHER huge point Patrick ignores (or is just ignorant of) is that you have significantly more control with a good vape.
ANOTHER huge point Patrick ignores (or is just ignorant of) is that you have significantly more control with a good vape.
Scrolled through the comments just to see if someone already posted this. I just wish there were more ergo options out there for mechs.
Scrolled through the comments just to see if someone already posted this. I just wish there were more ergo options…
The correct answer is ErgoDox.
The correct answer is ErgoDox.
Also, be willing to sacrifice their lives to protect *your* weenie ass, even while knowing your opinion of them.
You’re an angry little person.
If you child is left with permanent neurological damage or dies after a vaccine, would you vaccinate your next child? Vaccines contain aluminum, formaldehyde and several others carcinogenic and neurotoxic substances, why should someone having a reaction to that receive more vaccines or the healthy kids get injected…
I’d still rather have Lifehacker commenters than almost any other commenters on the internet. <3
Nice, encourage someone to kill themselves. This is what passes for a Kinja certified commentator? People like you are the reason they went with the approval system in the first place. Sociopathic dick. You’ve been flagged, by the way.
And why wouldn’t anyone answer the questions of someone who starts out by saying “I’ll try hard not to be a dick about this”...ever consider yourself as part of the problem? I’m not against vaccination by any means, I’ve done my due diligence and have decided that the risks are outweighed by the benefits of…
Probably the best way to get people to vaccinate would be to get liberals to shut the fuck up about trying to get people to vaccinate. The shrieking nanny-state stormtroopers can’t be very good for the cause.
Poor font choice — on my monitor, the lower case “e” looks very much like the lower case “c”, and the capital “A” doesn’t have a cross-bar. Readability is much worse than it was before.
Dave Ramsey is a financial guru to many people. His advice has helped millions get free from crushing debt. This is…
Vote: Kindle Voyage ($200)
Here is a site that tells you all the formats that Kindle supports and a way to convert the files that kindles don't support:…
I don't feel ebooks and paperbacks are competitors, rather supplementary. I prefer Safari bookshelf because I may need a collection of books that I want for reference but not necessarily own. There are some drawbacks that I would like to mention, there are too many formats, companies such as Amazon, Apple, B&N, etc…
That's part of the reason I included "More importantly, he was open about his own failures and struggles, which makes learning from him easier" because I think it's true. When we only look at the "good" parts of people, we idolize them and can't learn from them. DFW was a flawed genius, like most geniuses. Still,…
The SM58 is quite possibly the best microphone ever made, and to this day is the instrument of choice for vocalists everywhere, from the stage to the studio. But, if you don't want to go through a mixer first, a USB microphone is probably the simpler option for you.
Here is a review of a programmer who switched to using this monitor because it was equal to having 4 1920x1080 monitors.