Scott K

What are those called? I haven't seen those since I went to Malaysia about 10 years ago. The little shops made coffee with these things, and then added condensed milk. It was good, but it was weird seeing them dip these things into a big metal container to get our coffee.

What will the monthly price be when and if the promo is over after summer? I wouldn't want to upload all my files and then the price go up after summer.

No I haven't, Ill look into that, thanks. I recently switched to a Moto X and I miss having our iOS calendars in sync.

Will this app allow me and my wife to sync our calendars? She uses iOS and I use Android.

I used to think spanking taught respect, as long as it was not done out of anger and you spent the time to talk and hug your child afterwards. However, I saw that there was more harm than good when I spanked my son when he was around 4. I think that is caused him to have confusion and an uncontrollable rage that he

I am glad to hear that there are people who are deep into the world of programming and creative writing, showing that we aren't simply right or left brained people. I find that I need the balance, but the left brain activities take more of a toll on me than the right brain activities do. So yes, after a day of coding,

Interesting, that sounds very similar to how I feel sometimes. I am fascinated with shapes and forming objects out of shapes, whether by drawing or building things, but I can't draw art at all.

I have that same problem, sometimes. But it seems if I just begin to write about anything going on in my life, then my creativity eventually kicks in and I start getting ideas. Writing journal entries can be a primer. Then I have the problem of not following through and writing on the ideas I get.

Writing and creativity uses the "right" side of your brain and technical work uses the "left" side of you brain. I am a programmer, which is using the left side, but I have always been mostly into things that use the right side, like writing and music. I took one of those cheesey tests online that show me as being

Just make sure your app is up to date. Then click the settings button and click "Listen" when you are at an article.

Pocket can do but only on its Android app. Its a great feature.

Here is a review of a programmer who switched to using this monitor because it was equal to having 4 1920x1080 monitors.

I recommend any books by Jordan Rubin (The Maker's Diet, Great Physician's RX for Health and Wellness). He had Chrons severely, along with several other diseases causes by the Chrons. His story of healing is amazing. Also, my brother in law with Chrons has used this book with great benefits. My wife has severe Candida

PL/SQL is not very complicated if you already have any experience in a programing language, so any basic tutorial will work, like this one.

I really appreciate your fundraiser for Crohn's and Colitis. I have a brother in law who has suffered a lot over the last decade from Crohn's. He just had his third emergency surgery within that last 7 years.

What did you study in college? That's some tough Russian literature to read. I've always wanted to try reading some of the great Russian books, but the closest I ever got was Death of Ivan Ilyich. My brother who is an English major, however, loves most of those books you listed.

My other brother in law is in another Christian metal band called "the Reformers". Like I said, my family is very involved in the music scene. (I have another brother who is a well off producer in LA and has made several songs you've probably heard on the radio). Ok, enough promotion of my families music....

Yes, they are brutal! I am a christian and just by coincidence most of my favorite metal/hardcore bands are christian. However, many christian metal/hardcore bands are too cheesy for me. But, I don't look for bands based on religious preference.

I tend to lean towards hardcore more than metal, but I love the influence metal has had in hardcore. My family is heavily involved in the music scene... You should check out my brother in law's band Leaders, sounds similar to the two links you shared.