Scott Jon Satkowiak

Forget it, I am done. I am done with the different versions. Why? Remember when just having one of these systems was cool. Remember when just having a different color than your friend was cool. And they were thinking vice versa. But no dude. Not anymore. You either have a limited edition one or none of the above? WHAT

You too huh.
Edge is still my fav.

Yup. Everyone at the 3:05 mark had to check WHERE THE HECK THAT MESSAGE CAME FROM!!!!

Everyone who watched this looked for that Steam chat message at the 3:10 mark.

The guy who ran Gateway into the ground is now the governor of my State: Michigan and it sucks too.

This is what I started on.

I was literally just thinking. Worgen are the worst and most uninteresting race in WoW. Seriously, I would rather be a gnome or goblin and I can’t stand either also.

You people are nuts and deserve your agony. Go out and celebrate consumerism at its finest: China-platic-made-pieces-of-garbage.

Again, you are lame and this is a lame article and this Star Wars Friday is stupid. You are stupid.

I am surprised that no has talked about how much of a rip off this joke his.

Here is the same joke but with World of Warcraft.

I like the wide, not the font. BAD FONT


“Today Chris Roberts showed off three portions of his space game to be/end all space games, Star Citizen.”

Ummmm........No Man's Sky?

check him out. dododododododododo........dododododododo

Probably an LoL fanboi

Probably an LoL fanboi

I will not be buying mgs5

Not sure what I like better, losing my virginity or Perfect Dark. Hmmmm...yep definitely Perfect Dark. And you know what, I lived and breathed Perfect Dark. Me and a friend or two would spend hours no days........NO WEEKS!!!!!! in the back room hovering around a TV leveling up our profiles and getting more stars and

Just ditch Chrome. Don’t you know......Google hates Microsoft.

I thought is was pretty good. Not great. But certainly something to be entertained as a kid. Plus. It is Super Mario Bros.

so much sex