Tim, I really like you.
Well, you know you can turn the system off, like, completely. Also, if your system is moving around in your bag, your joycons are turning on and off. I've experienced this before. I find the best way is to use a case similar to the breath of the wild case with the flap on the inside and face the screen towards the…
Last summer I was on the beaches of Higgins Lake in Michigan and this gem came on. Soon after, I queued up this album and it was the anthem music for my 4 day trip. It was me, bathing suits, boats, sand, beautiful weather, and Weezer. I even had a case of Zima. There is something magical about it all.
I think this is great but also very telling. I’m sure this project started out as a 3ds exclusive, along with box boy box girl, it is really starting to show just how much Nintendo is pretty much done with the 3ds. This is very different because Nintendo has always been two sided console wise and now, they merge.
Come on Mike, you are only 116. That means you have not even ventured much to Zandalar yet. I’m also guessing no war mode, and being little guild activities. WoW’s social aspect is it’s anchor. I’m a mythic raider who has grinded WQ, resources, and dungeons. Our guild coordinates mythic dungeon runs. I’m 328ilvl doing…
I play every other day it seems. I’m a lifer. I’ve never dedicated myself to farming to pay for wow but it’s essential if want to sustain the wow token route. The people I know who do it that way do different things. Some just farm materials and use professions on multiple toons to sell valuables on the AH. Others…
What I found so interesting is how this came right after his appearance on The Video Game Awards 2017. I’m thinking, he was high on success and there were many girls throwing looks in every direction. He caught one. A man’s rational behavior is always compromised by his own ego.
What you see on his stream is an ego. I…
Edge = better than both
I bet it happened on the night of The Game Awards. Dude gets big and loses sight.
OMG BFBC2 is easily their best since. Before that BF2 was absolute gold! BF3 was good. Of course, BF1942 was classic.
GIVE ME MORE!!!!!!!!!!!
I first thought, oh this is LoU sequal. Then I wasn’t sure. Maybe Tomb Raider? Then I had no clue. But the cinema was so thrilling that I didn’t care after that.
Is that really the game? Wow, it looks beautiful. The muted but saturated colors and the draw distance is perfect.
I miss the waffle taco. Sure it was weird and hit and miss but, it was different and that is why you go to Taco Bell for Breakfast!
You guys are some funny dorks.
Okay, where is our Stardew Valley?
Oh no.... I may be judging a book by its cover but with the recent events, this looks too familiar.