Scott Jon Satkowiak

It's probably just me and my cinema loves and creative intent but the BL series is maybe the best shooter series to me. The writing, the tropes, the puns, the blood, the everything is all commenting on our society in a weird subliminal way where the soundtrack and visuals demonstrate the act of viewing our life in a

In the above video, you can see me and my older son doing a quick speed test. This is hardly scientific! But, we tried this numerous times, and the NN3DS always booted up first.

God that is hot.

Meanwhile, sadly, the Wii U versions of both Dragon Age: Inquisition and Assassin's Creed Unity are running at a subpar zero-p.

Wow, awesome! Nintendo gets more of my money



Oh man, you wasted my last 10 minutes. thx.

Awesome bug!


And you have the Zelda edition! PRETTY!

PixelJunk Bundle ($3) | Green Man Gaming


I really want to play this game! I want to support any good third party support on the Wii U! The game looks like something my wife will love to watch me play!

Sounds a lot like Destiny.

Someone give me a reason not to believe that Destiny is Titan and Titan became what Destiny is after Bungie took over development since they do shooters but not MMO so well.

Changing the map is a huge a deal. It is one map that must stay the same because so much strategy is built upon knowing the map and trusting that it won't change.

Dota 2 has over 100 heroes to play and to play against. Consider the heroes your content rather than the map. The heroes all play differently just like

Maybe....... Destiny is Titan. Think about it. Activision buys Blizzard. Bungie leaves Microsoft Studios. Blizzard/Activision continue to work on Titan. Activision needs Blizzard to focus on WoW and its expansions but still wants Titan. Activision invites Bungie over and they have a couple cocktails and lay down some

There really isn't much to look forward to from this developer anymore.

I really like this post.

Actually, this would be good if one party was all men and the other all girl and you switched between them and then later they all mated.........................................ok, I am sick.