I thought it got rather better after they left to be honest. Was nice to cover fewer myths in depth, even if there was still altogether too much shooting stuff and blowing it up.
I thought it got rather better after they left to be honest. Was nice to cover fewer myths in depth, even if there was still altogether too much shooting stuff and blowing it up.
The real urban myths were the best bit about the original Mythbusters by far… once they ran out of those and just started shooting stuff and blowing it up instead it got really boring really fast.
Mythbusters was great until they decided it was more fun to blow stuff up and/or shoot it (and let's not even mention the movie and TV "myths" that never claimed to be true in the first place).
If you're lucky enough to live in the UK or Ireland, every season of St Elsewhere is available to watch for free on Channel 4's website.