Vote with your dollars folks.
Vote with your dollars folks.
One aspect of art is that it’s open to interpretation. I think they are both horrible. Is that Barak or a wood elf? But to each their own.
I’ve that either Ben or Jerry really doesn’t have a sense of smell so they do the mix-ins as a way to make up for that? Might be bubkis, I’m not from Vermont.
Yeah, screw that due diligence and journalistic ethics. Just write the article. What division does Univision put you guys under? Teen Beat?
Most American’s don’t care about things that don’t impact them personally. Sad but true.
I knew this was going to go over like a pack of Uptown cigarettes.
That’s why he picked them but didn’t use their names, don’t you think? It best to expose these people to the sun than ignore them and try to keep them out of sight.
When i was a young guy some friends and I went to the first Hooter’s that opened in our state. The waitress sat in my lap and put her arm (the one with the hand holding her pen) around my neck and took our orders. She had all the girlish charm of a senior league stripper. I felt like I needed a lysol flush. Have never…
I remember not too long ago the closest you would get to this “job” would have would you sitting in a fair trade coffee shop taping blocks of copy so you could xerox your community newsletter. It’s no more original or real now than it was then. But you’re getting paid so good for you.
This is the average American attitude though. Sad but true.
sorry assholery is the common currency here.
Why anyone would buy a Jeep is beyond me. They are some amazing pieces of trash.
Homophobic much?
Vote with your dollars kids.
All natural systems will eventually decline. It’s just the way it is. Decline isn’t that bad.
I think this covers about everything in history and not just slavery.
Ms Manners covers this perfectly. I suggest looking up this basic etiquette.
The money would be better spent on therapy.
Well the great thing about this country is you don’t have to watch her show.
An emotional support animal is a whole different thing that an assistance animal. They dont have any legal protected status.