
If the native people of Kitezh had an artifact that grants immortal life, why aren't they immortally living it up to this day?

I do it for science, of course.

I can't resist the urge to read through IGN comments from time to time. It's just a hilarious mess of poor grammar and people trying to start arguments over the dumbest shit. There's really no middle ground. I haven't had the courage to browse the comments on the IGN article for this story yet…

I certainly hope she invests in her own games studio… which will be purchased by EA in a year.

For some reason the spelling of "Meygan" has made me far angrier than anything that's come out of both this and yesterday's Trump comments sections combined.

"Why did we make it a singing competition?"

Have you ever seen a sci-fi film or tv show? Chances are it was shot there.

Mom and dad never hang his pictures up on the fridge.

I'm sure devoting your time to wading through all of the awful stuff in the MRA community takes its toll after a while, but I wouldn't consider his tone to be far off from, say the Daily Show in how they dismiss some of the more asinine republicans.
I've read the site on and off for a while, and I can't recall coming

I don't usually find horror movies scary, but that one really pushed my claustrophobia buttons. Also, it has likeable, capable characters. That's pretty goddam rare in a horror film.

Exactly! Now imagine being the runt of THAT litter.

Do GamerGaters even lift, bro?

I'd hardly call We Hunted the Mammoth an outrage blog. Their comments section gets a little 'precious' for my tastes, but the tone of the blog itself is more mocking snark directed at the MRAs. It's not too far off from how the AVClub writes about similar subjects, though admittedly typically funnier.

If you were the least successful Baldwin brother, you'd have some anger issues too!

The Illinois Nazis were the absolute worst XFL team.

2 Three 2 Extremes?

This comment is so Canadian and I love it.

Trollhunter in pretty great.

That's good to hear. As long as you're both on the same page about it and you make sure your legal ducks are in a row, I'm sure you'll be fine. I wish you both all the best. Mazel tov!

Speaking of which, did you make any new progress on your tri-national relationship quandary?