
I made myself a short stack of waffles the other day. Pancakes are the inferior breakfast stack.

I would advise to keep it simple and to the point; "you strike me as an interesting person, we have XYZ in common, message me back and we'll see where things go". I find with online dating, it's best to talk to a number of different people and get a sense of who you have the stronger conversation with. If you focus on

The exorcism was a complete success!

Aww man, all the AVclub fun happens in New York.

I think everyone should at least go through a sexy drifter phase before they can truly come to that conclusion.

I vote that you continue, if only because a) I'm pretty sure you really want to and b) because I enjoy these weekly stories and will get more out of them if I feel I have a small, illusory level of input.


I'm fortunate to have very little body hair, and pretty much anything that I do grow, I shave off. Armpits, pelvis, face. Anything besides my legs. I don't really have strong opinions on what how my partners groom themselves, but I do find it difficult to perform cunnilingus on a woman when there is an abundance of

Yeah, I'll keep reading his column because it's damn funny. I think it's more one of those things, like when someone you enjoy or admire says or does something irksome and it just leaves you wishing you could have unseen/unheard it.

I loved Teti and the Block and Tackle articles until his whole writeup about the various Patriots scandals and attributed it to "penalizing a team for winning". It was unpleasantly fanboyish and I really expected better from him.

I listened to the You Made It Weird podcast recently where Al Madrigal talked about all the shit he took from Macklemore fans after he did a Hatesong for Thrift Shop. It seems like such a stupid thing to get angry over.

This news pleases me.

I've only watched the first season so far, but I loved Michael Ian Black's interactions with Ken Marino. There are so many fun, small details that make it so much more entertaining, like Mark constantly tripping on things and trying to fudge the rules to the over the top reactions of the women to completely mundane

#8 - include an appearance from Fred Willard.

This seems like an appropriate place to say that I just started watching Burning Love and it is wonderful.

Well that makes perfect sense. I always forget about the Buccaneers.

I do find it weird that they reference the Dolphins, and make mention of Dallas, though I don't know that they ever refer to them as the Cowboys, yet people kept saying Charles played for the Bucks. Maybe Charles' early retirement had to do with him being a professional football player being signed to an NBA team.

It's worth watching simply as an absolutely bizarre experience. It definitely has one of my favorite Dwayne Johnson performances. Also, there's a commercial with cars fucking each other, so people really owe it to themselves to check it out.

The beauty of Savage Love is that it's the place where you don't need to add "value" to anything. Just toss in a little snark, some kink, or a good story and we all get to benefit from it.

As a Canadian, I second this. I also always found the Roma to be a really weird group for so much hate to be directed at. They have such wonderful folk music!