
But then they'd be forced to read an actual article rather than just focusing their high intensity troll rage on people living their lives.

I'll contribute to a kickstarter to send you to Portland. Just send me the link.

"Where the jails are made of tin, and you can walk right out again, as soon as you get in".

I can deal with the Breitbart riff raff, and I can't really imagine them wandering into a Dan Savage column. But someone that's just relentlessly going after an individual for absolutely insane reasons really gets my goat.

Man on top, woman on internet?

Once Trump finally gets ousted from the running he'll buy himself an island nation to rule and make the transformation into Dr Doom.

You could always stage a coup.

Elizabeth Warren or GTFO.
Also, I am Canadian and my opinions hold no value. But I find your politics far more interesting than ours.

I enjoy the versatility of anything from behind. It's the most practical way to have sex in a variety of locations.

I call dibs on the inevitable "no hands loads" username.

Go on…

I'd be willing to bet that putting "magical hobo adventure" on kickstarter would bring in some decent scratch.

Now I really want to see Stephen Colbert play a live-action Mr Fantastic.

I'm picturing a Seussian gyrocopter.

While we're at it, AVclub, I don't give a shit about anyone's tweets!

Besides the high speed rail corridor, a lot of the elements of this season's story would have felt pretty at home in the 70s. A lot of the new age religions were coming up in that era, people were on a tear to buy and develop property, orgies were all the rage, etc.

Excuse me sir, but this is the internet. Opinions can only be of the polar extreme variety. Please rethink whether you felt it was the best show of all time, or the worst thing committed to screen and, for god's sake, throw some hyperbole in there!

A fun thought exercise I've had while watching has been to imagine all of Vince Vaughn's scenes being acted by Jon Favreau. It definitely feels like they opted for the wrong Swingers cast member.

I certainly intend to look up that young lady's music. It will certainly make for very poignant and dramatic drives to work.

I've watched both versions and I can say that what's been cut out of the American airings does not have much of an impact on the ending. I agree that it's not ideal, but you can certainly get the complete story with the AMC edit.