
They should do a Star Trek movie where they go back in time ... oh wait...

This device has already been made...

I think you meant to say "ludicrous speed"...

A "gold club"?

The Blue Angels have been around longer than the US Air Force has been in existence...

You may have just started a new cool trend. "That is cray!"

Ok, you first...

I suggest they go to a new naming scheme of picking arbitrary model names, similar to American car makers, or Microsoft. That way we could tell them apart more easily. Next up the iPhone Bob, followed next year by the iPhone Vista...

Why are artists so shockingly bad at military exercises?

"... better than every other companies"? "company's" perhaps?

And capri pants ... not that there's anything wrong with that either...

It would be magical and would totally change everything...

That's not the point! They are the coolest thing EVER and that's all that matters... Hmf...

Not only could it be "mistaken for a movie set", it IS a movie set. This building is used by film companies and tv show crews all the time.

This update bricked my MacBook Pro. Had to completely re-install OSX from scratch. At least the Genius Bar guys at the store did it for me, but it wasn't easy even for them. Several iLife programs still didn't work and had to be re-installed and updated as well. Great customer service from the store, but royal mistake

OK for the buzzword bingo game during the announcements, I've got dibs on "magical", "revolutionary", "actually" and "totally changes everything"...



Why do I need the magazine again?

The key to this was right at the beginning - "on the bus late last night..."