So are we going to pretend like every person in history that did something horrible didn’t exist, or that the work didn’t matter or just the ones that did something racist?
So are we going to pretend like every person in history that did something horrible didn’t exist, or that the work didn’t matter or just the ones that did something racist?
Yes, that’s it exactly. If you don’t understand the actual point, you can just ask for clarification. Or not comment at all.
You say that like it’s not a big deal.
This is actually much better since it’s two competing companies getting chumy and working together to take a funny, passive jab at Playstation.
I loved Black Flag but I am not interested in this if
It’s the same problem all of these MMO-lite games are facing. I would have thought that Sea of Thieves could have avoided since they don’t really have a half-assed story component like Destiny or the Division holding it back but I guess not.
They were losing when they had all Chinese players too so I don’t think that really mattered much.
Does he not get a side to the story first? Or are we at a McCarthysm level of acceptance here?
I don’t understand the beef here. It sounds like people are angry because Activision is doing the same thing they’ve always done but with less clarity on release dates?
From what I gather, it’s not the woman that most people are mad about. That’s why you didn’t see this level of hate in BF1 which featured women in the MP and in the SP. Nor do you see this hate about AC having a female character.
Nor do these professional artists need to voluntarily offer up their work for a passion project.
The problem with your counter-point is you’re missing the underlying point and falling into the trap that is being called out.
What they are being used for is clear and up front and so is the method for choosing.
Sure, some people at first are turned off by it but the first sold big time and people got used to, even enjoyed the violence since it’s a core concept of video games.
I look forward to seeing this on /r/blunderyears 10 years from now.
Did I hurt your feelings with the logic? You didn’t even bother trying to counter my points. Who said it was the end of gaming? I’m not even sure you read my post.
Or they like the game’s idea and mechanics and buy it hoping they can play in in SP mode, because that is what the devs promised only to find out that it really is mostly a multiplayer game and the devs were misleading for the sales.
I thought that after AC Unity Ubisoft decided to stop producing yearly AC games? Did I make that up?
Yeah, this is the first one I’ve ever been excited for before release.
I can’t wait until next E3 when we get the next cinematic trailer for this game!