
Eh, maybe if he was just some dude but this guy made videos and sold them, making him public and fair game.

All of my favorite shows either get canceled early or become terrible after a few seasons.

Because the left dominates the media.

Your attitude is the real plague. If you aren’t in line with the Gawker people then clearly your a racist homophobe.

Thank you for the great example of the problematic nature of GMG. You, like the bloggers who write here, can’t seem to see anything other than an extreme position.

That is my main issue. The author’s take is very often just a rant based off of the most recent thing they heard or a regurgitation of something without proper context or research.

Yep, I remember coming out and hating it. It was a cheesy neon mess. But then it was a huge hit and I started thinking maybe I was wrong.

Ehhhh, not heroic. I mean, it was totally in character for Peter but in no way was that action heroic.

And the “anger” that we didn’t get to see any fallout is idiotic. The author says that we had plenty of time to explore Quill’s screw up. Are you kidding me?

Ehhh, kind of. I see your point but I don’t think it’s how things actually work.

The Drax scene did undercut the emotional moment a little but that IS what would happen in Guardians of the Galaxy. It’s just how their dynamic is.

Were people begging for a horde mode?

Yeah, I read horde mode and thought they were talking about Destiny 1. Why on Earth (or Mars) would they think players want a horde mode.

The worst part is the game isn’t that fun. As bare bones as BF 1 was, the game felt more fun to play.

I was interested in this game until I heard it was pretty much a multi-player game.

I’m only about an hour into but seeing that it was made by the same team that gave us the best AC game, Black Flag, is massively encouraging.

Does Wildlands make any sense for a person playing alone or is it really only enjoyable when played with other humans?

Love Mark of the Ninja.

Why are you being so easy on him? They should have his family shot right in front of him and then make him dig their graves.

Not if it was his choice. What do you know about your child committing suicide while you have been fired from a very public and controversial project?