It’s better than nothing
Sure thing! I’m a big fan of his stuff, and happy to share more of his badassery.
Footage of this guy is the best ISIS recruiting video ever.
And then he dabbed.
I’m holdin’ out for CRACKER JACK
*Waits patiently for D-Dark*
Protip: if you have ever written or said the following phrases or something similar in regards to online harassment:
It is with great sadness that I report that I have delayed yet another game: Ni no Kuni II is now coming out in…
You know... Nintendo really knows how to hook us on the game.
In 2006, when I first played Final Fantasy XII, I thought it was just fine. In 2017, I realize how silly that was. Fi…
You misunderstand. I never said FF11 didn’t have faults. The looking for party experience was torture and I would never argue that was an enjoyable part of the experience. But the combat, forced teamwork, strategy, and challenge was something I valued very heavily in that game.
“Fear of dying” might be the best mechanic from the team-centric MMOs (and games in general). It forced players to make valid team compositions and use real strategy to ensure they win.
I think 4K is the wrong thing for all these consoles to focus on. It’s pretty, and can be used to great effect at close viewing distances, but meh. Put that grunt towards 60FPS, or better effects, or more [things] on screen, or more complex gameplay calculations, etc.
It’s not quite as boring as WoW, but we’re never gonna get another FFXI ever again.
If I liked FF11, what would my opinion be of FF14?
Best Kotaku article I’ve ever read, along with a valuable life lesson.
I am not against Insomniac coming up with some bonkers Peter parker-starring missions. They proved in Sunset Overdrive that they can come up with some wacky scenarios that enable stellar movement-based gameplay. I have a feeling we’ll be in for a treat when you’re tasked with getting Peter across town or in and out of…