And now we can pour one out for every parent whose kid stuff a 3ds cart into their ps4
And now we can pour one out for every parent whose kid stuff a 3ds cart into their ps4
FYI, it seems you can only use the code once (i.e., for just one product), so choose wisely. You might be able to use it for more than one of the same item - I don’t know because I ordered one of the mini switches and then went to order a couple of bulbs. Still, these are great prices even without the extra discount.
FYI, it seems you can only use the code once (i.e., for just one product), so choose wisely. You might be able to…
Squeenix support is pretty bad.
It’s almost as though it’s some kind of commentary on the pointlessness of collecting useless shit in video games...
Not all content is made equal. I felt that DAI disrespected my time with filler stuff that didn’t really make an impact or even represent what the game was ‘about.’ I’m playing dozens of hours of Zelda, but the game is packed with mysteries / charm, so it doesn’t feel like a waste of my time - I am still discovering…
Honestly I’m going to wait until the Holidays before I consider buying The Switch. There’s just too many hidden costs and not near enough games to tide me over at the moment. I mean to be fair Breath of the Wild looks like a really good game but I’ll finish that in a month at most.
Ah! My mistake! I made the mistake of playing this inside my house. I guess I’m supposed to play it in the middle of an empty field.
I’m god awful at putting on screen protectors. Just goddamn terrible.
I would bet that as a reason leading towards the price drop.
When I first watched the trailer for comedian Jordan Peele’s Get Out, I knew that I had to see it, and I wasn’t…
He kind of looks like Dexter.
I mean, if you don’t have a PS4 there are a bunch of stellar games you can get for it now; I wouldn’t base my decision on a single one.
I am... :(
Going to need an ambulance for that burn!
I’m so outside Nintendo’s target demographic it’s not even funny.
I love when old articles get republished because then new convos tend to start up, and now you’re making me want to replay it because I can’t remember the music! But after I’ve recovered from shitting myself over Resi 7 x)
Yeah it sure is a great game. Sucha terrifying experience to be fair. I'm always more terrified when the monster isn't "smooth moving" one. When there is certain "inhumanity" in it. Like the Zombies on first Resident Evil were way more terrifying than the ones in the 2nd game.
Ha, yes! Clock Tower! That game was so unique to the survival horror genre because you had so many chances to lose. I remember distinctly getting locked in the cage and getting eaten alive by the master of the house, only to find out that I had to get a random ass ham from the fridge beforehand.
There are few good horror games that still get me. But most of the time they really don't.