There are a lot of folks who try to find outlets for things, and sometimes they have no one to talk to about their problems, so they resort to posting about them publicly like this in hopes that someone, anyone will respond with words of comfort or even simply just talk to them.
Very true. Those 10 Wii-U owners are the nicest folks on the planet.
It's not that I hate him specifically, it's more that he and his SO were the last people the player encounters in the game, therefore the ones with the least emotional investment.
So, you're saying that Kotaku's over exaggerating on its own report of 3rd party game install times? Also, Video Games Awesome have found that the slightest of finger prints can jack up the time even more. And Xbox One forces you to dig through menus to tell you what is wrong with it instead of DISPLAYING IT TO YOU
You should buy a PS4 then you would actually know that NO they are not the same. It doesn't take almost a full minute for the PS4 to boot up and once a game says it is installed in fact it is installed......The only time you cannot access everything is while it is installing which is LESS than 3 minutes unlike the…
Doesn't look like it's able to do much about the excruciatingly long install times for games on the XB1 either.
Likewise. "I'm gonna deck your halls, bub."
Ahnuld, getting shown up by a big guy? Say it isn't so.
The ps4 has a higher thread count.
Things like this baffle me, I'd never hand over money for something without seeing it first. People can't be trusted!
I guess he got shammed.
Huh, *goes on playing XCom EW.*
Wouldn't it be even weirder for someone to see you working on a blank screen?
Thanks for the info. I actually bought my Vita during last years Black Friday deals and I love the handheld, so it's just a big bonus when I get the PS4 next holiday season.