I’ve enjoyed many of your articles here on Kotaku! Thanks Tina and good luck!
I’ve enjoyed many of your articles here on Kotaku! Thanks Tina and good luck!
Love how many people are dismissing the first entry in the series— yet it’s my favorite. “Dated” this, “dated” that...the game kicks ass.
Love this list! Thanks Patrick!
I look forward to potentially getting my original 60 dollars worth at a later date. Perhaps the next time a new expansion comes out or when they bundle all this up for an extremely cheap price.
A wonderful portable device that will be part of my collection forever. The points you made here are entirely accurate, but I am personally glad they moved on from the Vita— Sony clearly does not have any clue what to do with it and are not willing to listen to the consumers regarding that device. This wonderful piece…
Glad to see Johnny getting some media attention ;) Great show.
So pretty
I liked it, played it once or twice— cool idea.
I like it.
I hated type - 0. I’ll pass.
I’m so excited for this one.
50 of these subs could cause problems with unarmed supply ships, but only momentarily, before being blown out of the water. He is impressing his people that have no idea what modern ships and subs are. Or maybe he is just an idiot.
I laughed at this too.
I’d buy it.
Very cute. I hope someone at Square-Enix views this video. It would be nice of them to send them a Final Fantasy themed gift or something.
I didn’t take away much from this segment. I was kinda’ hoping they would show him something similar to a game like Until Dawn (or David Cage-ish) or something. So he could see that video games are far more evolved than the last time he experienced them. Using Rocket League, wasn’t a bad idea, but I still feel they…
You gonna post it or what?
I believe you. Which is why I most likely won’t be playing this series for quite some time. I’ve seen Youtube footage showing what a cluster fuck the story and dialogue can be.
I agree with you. As a community we could have really hurt Konami and potentially made them change their tune, but the fan base for this title had no backbone at all. All they had to do was buy secondhand.
Just when we start to like Square-Enix again....