
I used to buy games on launch date too. I got burned on so many titles this generation that I just refuse to buy games on day one anymore for the various reasons you listed above. I remember the nail in the coffin for me was Watch Dogs specifically.

Looks like a simple and cute platformer. I'd pick it up if it's user cheap.

Thank you Jason. Took the words write from my fingers!

I see what they’re saying about Windows 10 possibly generating interest in the Xbox One market over there but that is wishful thinking— still, they might as well try. What more do they have to lose at this point?

I honesty think this would have been better if the controlled character had no speech. Other than that, this was very cool— the end creeped me the hell out.

Rachel, you’re my favorite person on here. LOL. I may have told you that before too. It was worth repeating.

That would be an exception for me as well.

Had my reaction been caught from inside the Sony Experience, it looked similar if not identical to those in the video that shed tears as well. The teaser was brilliantly done. They have a huge job ahead of them and I wish Square-Enix the best of luck. Nomura is going to lose much sleep trying to finish KH3 and taking

I’m just curious if this will make people feel any differently about the game. I actually really enjoyed the single player (until the AI became impossible for me personally). The multi-player was still a bit large and strange but I was able to experience enough to warrant a 30 dollar price tag. If they want anymore

Perhaps they can also include a patch to make the game fun as well.

I can see it much better than the original Doom 3. Doom 3 was all about it’s dark and shadowy atmosphere, lol. Fuck that flashlight, this is better.

They need to pull out of this market and cut their losses. It isn’t going to happen in this region for them.

One thing that really annoyed me about this game was that virtually everything is story locked. It’s like playing a long tutorial. I really like the sound of the new classes/jobs, but I’m not sure if I’ll return to this game. Playing with friends is a bit difficult as you either pass them up in the story or have not

I was disappointed with the release years they were announcing too. We got a while before any of those epic games release. Thank god for the indie market at least. I can live with third party stuff anyway.

Same here.

Beautiful demo.

Every time a new Call of Duty game is released, I get so excited to have yet another game I walk right by at my local retail store.

I’ll pick it up on a bangin’ discount. It looks like a cute and fun turn-based game. I will not be paying 60 bucks for it though. Not from what they have shown yet anyway.

I love it! Mud has never looked so sexy— ‘specially on Nate :)

The game looks like great fun to me but they really should not have slapped the Metroid name on it. It will be practically DoA because of that slip-up. They had a chance to potentially make a new IP (like Splatoon) and they shot themselves in the foot. In what they hoped would increase sales, may have ended up hurting