Scott Feldman

I feel like playing Until Dawn as a multiplayer game could be rough if you get some bad draws. Imagine your friend draws Mike and you draw Jess, for example. You are completely FUBAR in that situation. I could see it being fun if you did it that way on the first playthrough, but once you know the mechanics I feel like

I think you're giving them way too much credit. You think they planned in advance to have the women have two ladder matches in a span of 10 days? Especially since no one even got hit with or slammed onto a ladder in the second one since they were all beat the hell up from the first one?

Fair enough, the match was historic the PPV wasn't. Either way, pissing off a large percentage of your fanbase to set up a match on free tv that you advertised for ppv is awfully silly way to go about things.

Using a historic "PPV" match to set up the same match on free tv two weeks later is some 2000 WCW level nonsense.

I get that, but a lot of my personal excitement of Nak being in the WWE and in this match in particular came from wanting to see him do some wacky ladder spots. I wanted him to slam some people on ladders and take a couple of bumps.

I'm not the NJPW fan, she is. I didn't love idea of the draw either, especially as it had Omega looking like he was poised to lose. But the wrestling was top notch and she likes the people there more.

I am sure some people loved it, hell, I cracked jokes about how every woman should find a man willing throw other women off a ladder for them.

One of my closest friends loves wrestlings, but can't stand WWE's booking so now she's into NJPW. I've been trying to convince her that Smackdown is actually pretty good and to watch the MITB PPV with me. So she did.

I felt like the whole show could be summed up as good action undercut by awful booking. They had Ellsworth win the women's MITB and followed it up with a countout, had Mahal win because Orton spent an hour attacking the Singh brothers and not getting counted put to having Shinsuke basically sit out most of the men's

While I absolutely love Persona 5 (200+ hours and into my second playthrough) I agree that the game is too long and the last part with the whole demonic spirit part comes out of nowhere. This was my first Persona game, so maybe those familiar with the series weren't caught as offguard.

Random question. Do we ever see Saul's personal life on Breaking Bad? I'm wondering if it's possible (I know it's not likely) that Kim and Saul still have some kind of relationship when Breaking Bad's events happen? I know they don't share an office obviously. I'm just wondering if there's anything conclusive that