
Orangutan is the New Black

This isn't book-length, but it's pretty good:

I think they got $2 million.

Wouldn't surprise me if it was a TJ Miller adlib.

Wow, shot at Theranos out of nowhere. This was pretty much the perfect ending to the season. So many funny moments, most of them involving Jared.

I don't know about the Mountain, but the Hound is going to be the Lord of Winterfell after he marries Sansa.

Burn them all.

Does this mean Jaime's gonna have to kill Cersei now?

In the books it made sense for Varys to kill Kevan because he was starting to stabilize things at King's Landing, but on the show he hasn't done shit.

Tommen kind of reminds me of Bighead from Silicon Valley.

That kid was super creepy. I bet she grows up to be a worse villain than her dad was.

Fine, Dinesh makes the reservation, then squats at Jared's place or does whatever the other guy did, then sets up his own AirBnB account and leases it out to Jared, nice and quasi-legal.

Oh, you mean like the guy that's currently trespassing in Jared's place?

Right, so he has Dinesh or Richard make the reservation so the guy doesn't know it's Jared.

So all Jared has to do to get his place back is sign up on AirBnB to stay there, then he can close the loop by not leaving.

I'm gonna have nightmares about that baby, I just know it.

*Looks at the smeared page*

Only it'll turn out to not be the actual Zor El, but a clone or a robot or a White Martian or something like that.

She had a freaking spaceship to push off against. She could have easily used Newton's Third Law of Motion to give herself a trajectory that would have pushed the ship into deep space while she headed back to Earth.

The Supermobile was my favorite thing ever.