
This season has spent a lot of time with Kara's relationship with her mother and aunt. Given that next season's focus will probably be the search for Alex's dad, I'm guessing the theme will be about fathers, and so my guess is that Zor El is in the pod.

Square dancing?

I can't wait for one of them to say, "Ancient Chinese secret, huh?"

It's spelled Qaddaffi.

"We can never use this prison set again with all these teeth marks everywhere!"

Because! *points to all my comics and DCAU DVDs that have Dinah Lance and Oliver Queen together*

"What the shit, Arrow?" -Ghost Moira Queen

It's a football term. It's when there's a set play and the quarterback changes it right before the ball is snapped because of something he sees in the way the defense is set up.

Yeah, there's no way she's actually dead. I feel a bit cheated because the whole season it seemed as though they were working up to something earth-shaking, but this is too much. There's no way they would eliminate a character so central to the Green Arrow mythology.

Screaming superpowers look great in comics, but they seem to be really hard to pull off in live action for some reason.

The only way it could have been better is if he had pointed behind them and said, "Hey, is that the FBI?" before he took off.

I laughed so hard at Thea hitting that wall. I wish they would have gone full Looney Tunes and had her stick to the wall for a second before slowly sliding down. This and the Flash's Wile E. Coyote moment after trying to jump over the canyon were my favorite TV scenes this week.

50 Shades of Black and Blue

Sontaran companion or GTFO

I wanted it to be the Dalek version.

Unless Paige is the one who kills him, which I could totally see happening.

I'm still not over Henry Blake.

I might put Fargo ahead of Better Call Saul, but BCS is right up there for sure.

When Chuck Norris stares at the sun, the sun has to wear chuckglasses.

He's obviously talking about Ser Pounce.