
Yes, but they didn't do a very good job of explaining the significance of it.

After Orell cut the rope while they were climbing the Wall, I really wanted Jon to gut that piece of shit right there.  I was so glad to see him bite it in this episode.

Such a great payoff for that time he told Jon he wanted to be a wizard.

The one little complaint I have is that the show really didn't emphasize enough how sacred the laws of hospitality are in Westeros, which makes what Frey did that much more fucked up.


Oh shit, that third one is going to show up in my nightmares tonight for sure!

Yeah, his Watch isn't ending any time soon.

Well, there was no pregnant lady baby-stabbing in the book, but otherwise, pretty much.

I know this episode is all about the RW, but Jon Snow killing Orell was an awesome moment.  The way Jon said "You were right all along!" right before he killed him was badass, even if he didn't kill him quickly enough for him to jump to the eagle.

So should I bother reading this review, or is it just 2000 words on how this show is too violent?

Ditto.  Better than the silent clock on 24.

Don't you have the east coast feed?  I gladly sacrificed HD to watch this when everyone else did.

And remember what Leeky said to Cosima:  the clones have a genetic tendency towards respiratory disease and mental instability.  I think having Allison let Aynsley die like that demonstrates the mental instability.  I expect her to become the next Helena next season.


"Send in the clones"

The Flaying? (The much better spinoff of The Killing)

I'm going to miss Helena's leitmotif most of all.

If the fact that it's the sequence of a human is not on the patent form, I'm guessing that would be enough to break the patent in a court of law.

I love the titles of the episodes for this show.