
Yeah, but the tag implied that the organism was patented, which is the illegal part.

She's gonna go full-on Helena!

So my only problem with the big reveal that the clones are patented, is who gives out patents for something that is completely illegal?

Holy shit, Allison pulled a Walter White!

So now my outer appearance matches my inner mental state!  Hooray!

Sorry, bow ties aren't cool any more.

Who the hell is June 1, 2013?  Will he be doing the Doctor Who write-ups next year?

Sit 'em down and make them watch Justice League and JLU, stat.

I guess it would be Hayley Mills in Parent Trap.  I was about 7 or 8 at the time and the movie was around ten years old when I first saw it.  I was crushed when I did the math and realized she was an old lady of 25 or 30 by that time.


If we're doing cartoon crushes, mine would be Firestar from Spiderman and His Amazing Friends.

Bill Nye's theory is based entirely on the assumption that Superman's hair is "brittle, on a microscopic level,"  but what if it isn't?  He's invulnerable, that means that no part of him can be damaged.  Next theory!

So, better than this one:

Kim Possible!

And/or ka-kow.

Arrested Development has been watched, so I'll be spending tomorrow starting my rewatch of Venture Brothers to be all caught up for next Sunday's season five premiere.  Happy Memorial Day!

Ha, no, I watched a few episodes and went to bed.  I'm not even quite finished yet, I'm taking a break and I'll watch the rest after Mad Men.  Being old sucks.

I'm not talking about laws in general, I'm talking about a law specifically *for* Joan Harris.

Outstanding episode.  The whole Cosima/Delphine bit was a bit silly and cliched, but every other part was great.  Looking forward to meeting Executive Business Clone next week.

I'm already over it.