
This’ll get me some flack because I’m seeing something other than how his words were (stupidly) structured, but I think he meant to include everyone in his statement about “ordinary Americans.” He tends to speak out against the millionaires, who are not ordinary, and he tends to contrast them with the rest of us who

So acknowledging that Black lives matter is a political statement but disregarding Black lives isn’t? Is that the argument you’re going with?

Merrium-Webster trolling him is one of the few bright spots in all this.

It’s especially hard to whack those moles when over half of Congress and about 45% of the population, otherwise known as “Republicans”, are doing everything they can to run cover for Donald.

You see what you want to see.

“Let me tell you, as far as American elections go, history tells you that white people are gonna white.”

Ted Nugent is a guy who once bragged about shitting his pants to avoid serving his country. The fact conservatives embrace him is just another reason why their world view is irreconcilable with critical thinking.

One really sick part about this whole thing is that this is how A LOT of white people talk when no one else is around. The Trump era has made people think this is OK to not only say while at home, but on national television. People need to be publicly shamed for saying shit like this.

The Trump Administration is what Martin Luther King was talking about when he spoke on the 3 evils of society. They can’t even answer the simple question of: what’s to hide? For me tho I think his administration is really aiming for a corporate take over of America. Trumpcare should of been an eye opener for people(it


Obscure nerdy correction: Celebrimbor of the novels did not assist in forging the one ring. He helped make the rings of men and dwarves, and forged the elven rings in secret while Sauron forged the One ring himself (also in secret). Celebrimbor’s role in forging the one ring was invented by the first game in this

I have a thousand hours in Destiny, and I am totally OK with this. Destiny was not Mass Effect. It’s not like my character made decisions that affected the story (what little story there was). I’m totally cool starting over in what I hope is a more story-driven, character-focused game!

I thought I was planning to watch Donald Trump speak last night, but then my older kid forgot to do his homework

freedom of speech sometimes comes with consequences, my good bitch.

“Walt Disney”? Isn’t it known he was sexist, anti-semitic and racist? “The school is privately owned” - and now it becomes evident why DeVos will be a disaster. Private schools can do whatever they want, with little oversight, just like our system has been rigged so private companies can fire you for any reason they

Let those among us without an image of a lady inserting a plane into her vagina copied to our clipboard throw the first stone.