
This movie looks AMAZING.
Scarlet Johanssen will kill it in this role.
The visuals are straight out of the superb graphic novel!!

...and I won’t watch it until it finally rolls into Netflix in a year or two. I won’t give them my $. Maybe next time, they can tell the story with the people who were in the story originally.

Malchiah (Lawful Neutral), Lord of Ravenhill and Justicar of Nemaria, a 6'6" red-haired Northerner, and the ‘quietest’ man in the realms. A fighter/rogue of the 3.5 era, Malchiah meted out judgment as directed by the King, and his god. He distributed said justice with a 15' long adamantium & ghost-touched spiked chain

“I don’t believe in assigning President Trump silly nicknames. There is no combination of orange, hand, marigold or pumpkin jokes or references that either makes me chuckle or truly demonstrates who or what he is. Why? Primarily because who Donald Trump is, and what he represents, isn’t funny and runs much deeper than

People are supposed to believe these college frat girls, walking & talking avatars of vanity, are wearing their mud packs for their holiday pic? Riiiiight.

Can somebody explain why my comment has ‘disappeared’? It’s not even in the ‘pending’ anymore. Too critical of the piece?

I look forward to what you offer, but if this turns into a Bernie Sanders bashing front I will bail as fast as I can and encourage others to as well. The hit piece by Micheal Arceneaux was devoid of substance while pushing a denigrated view of Bernie Sanders himself, and simplistic view of the Democratic Party and

Your opinions are everything that is wrong with the Democratic Party.
I have been a registered Democrat since 1984 and watched my party shimmy to the Right whenever they lost an election...cozy up to the Corporatists because of Bill Clinton’s ‘If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em”-brand of NeoLiberalism...and I’ve watched

Doctor Strange was a perfectly serviceable and forgettable movie that isn’t on anyone’s “must watch” list”

Not sure why you felt it necessary to lead with a negative statement like this, but the box office and reviews for Doctor Strange weren’t discouraging at all, and from a ‘real world’ perspective I and,


I’ve learned to despise Rotten Tomatoes. The frustrating part is that moviegoers still refer to the site despite obvious bias and shoddy accuracy.
Batman v. Superman ULTIMATE EDITION is an excellent film, meant to be a ‘bridging’ story between Man of Steel and Justice League. In that capacity, it was admirable and on

I have to question the necessity, spin, and motive behind this article. ‘Spun’ responses aside, nothing resembling a conclusion was brought forth. And as I have rarely, if ever, seen Marvel-based articles in the same vein on this site, the article smacks of bias.
Marvel has been successful in part because they have

“Donald Trump, a screaming apricot horseman of the apocalypse and our next president...”

That wins MY internet today.

At no point in the article is your ageist opinion backed up by any facts. They just ‘seem’ too old???
I’ll take a mentally firm, wheelchair-bound Bernie Sanders over 99% of our current politicians.

The New Yorker review was the first one I saw...and immediately discounted it. Why?
For the same reason I don’t ask my local butcher about vegetarian dishes.

Thanks Trump!!!

Destiny: Wrath of the Machine Hard Mode!!!!!

As a DM and Magic the Gathering player.....for some reason, I have no interest in running, or playing in, a game set in either ‘plane’...Innistrad is too close to Ravenloft for me.
If they want to hook me, Ravnica!!!!! Orzhov Holy Agents vs. Dimmir Assassins?? YES!!!

I like slammin’ Aksis, so I’ll be Raiding in Destiny all weekend.

Jade of my top 10 games of all time...and it contains a story of truly epic proportions, and personal tragedies. The ‘reveal’ was jaw-dropping, and a moment in video games I will never forget. An HD remake, or a sequel, would be a dream come true.