
Your opinions are everything that is wrong with the Democratic Party.
I have been a registered Democrat since 1984 and watched my party shimmy to the Right whenever they lost an election...cozy up to the Corporatists because of Bill Clinton’s ‘If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em”-brand of NeoLiberalism...and I’ve watched

“Donald Trump, a screaming apricot horseman of the apocalypse and our next president...”

That wins MY internet today.

At no point in the article is your ageist opinion backed up by any facts. They just ‘seem’ too old???
I’ll take a mentally firm, wheelchair-bound Bernie Sanders over 99% of our current politicians.

The New Yorker review was the first one I saw...and immediately discounted it. Why?
For the same reason I don’t ask my local butcher about vegetarian dishes.

Destiny: Wrath of the Machine Hard Mode!!!!!

I like slammin’ Aksis, so I’ll be Raiding in Destiny all weekend.

Jade of my top 10 games of all time...and it contains a story of truly epic proportions, and personal tragedies. The ‘reveal’ was jaw-dropping, and a moment in video games I will never forget. An HD remake, or a sequel, would be a dream come true.

Whatever. I, literally, don’t know anybody with a PS4. With the lukewarm response to the PS Pro, the excitement I read and hear about the Xbox Scorpio, and bullshit like the PS Fallout mod fiasco, this article smacks of clueless Wall St. projection myopathy.

I’m SOOOO glad I jumped from the shit-show that is Sony in 2004. My Xbox, 360, and One have been a blast with nearly zero issues...and I’ve been LOVING my Fallout 4 mods on the Xbox One.
With the exception of a few indie games, what could possibly lure anyone to a PS4 instead of an Xbox One?

Props to the developer for making Blue Beetle look badass for the first time in.....ever.

So.....if players weren’t abusing the system, this wouldn’t have even been noticed or been an issue. Which makes it a non-issue in my opinion.

In a single day, I can read the worst of these sites (the Bono article), and the best. What a wonderfully in depth and knowledgeable piece on a fantastic game. still should stay away. Anybody who hasn’t enjoyed it so far should stay away, and let those of us who have enjoyed each version along the way, continue to have the place to ourselves.

Loved seeing the game fresh, from your perspective. Hang in there...I have a feeling the best is sooooo yet to come.

If I want to read crap like this I could have stuck to Blaster.

Elder Scrolls Online is superior to Sunset Overdrive. In many, many ways.

Once the patch hit...the game is wonderful....more Oblivion than Skyrim....

You do realize that you’re stating your OPINION...not fact, right?

But...but...there ARE NO mistakes in Man of Steel. I loooove this movie.
