Scotty J

Brokeback Dictators” plot synopsis:

Most of their issues happened whilst trying to charge the bikes outdoors, overnight, in the cold, in southern Chile. I don’t even ride my Energica in the winter; that’s what my poseur ADV bike is for (yes, I bought a Bimmer GS after watching LWR).

Long Way Up is a lesson in mitigating range anxiety.

Anytime I hear “Coffee & TV” by Blur I feel the need to stop being such a pansie-arsed asrsehole and just get on with it. BTW, when Prime or whoever bought it they stripped out the original score and replaced it with garbage uncopyrighted music.

It was a subjective statement. I can say it’s boomshanka diddly beep boop if I want, thank you ever so much.

You’re high. That is a thing of beauty.

Doctor says I have too much meat in my arteries, too! Maybe she has little trucks that can plow it out for me?

Fuck Dan O’Brien and fuck his stupid high-pitched cartoon character.


Kevin James had a NASCAR show? Or for that matter, Kevin James was in something other than Mall Cop or King of Queens?

Let ‘em die. Then there are fewer helmetless riders. Simple.

CAN’T WAIT for his browser history to get hacked and posted on Reddit or something. You just know that human potato has some really funky kinks.

Pictured: Ozark Municipal Court Judge Nicholas Bull

This new Prius fucks.

Me. See you on my morning commute... in my rearview, sucker.

Here’s the thing: picture the people you would generally see on a cruise. Not many Brad Pitts or Selma Hayeks on board. Now picture them - all of them - sans-clothes.

Had a discussion at lunch with a Z coworker who said she has no idea how to back into a parking space. We went into the parking lot and, nope, no idea. We work in the ‘burbs but she lives in the city; I figured if you can’t back into a spot in the city you’re screwed. She just spends a lot of time looking for a spot

Fun fact: Outlaw bikers have switched to FF lids because it makes them harder to identify. And with that (or maybe due to common sense, but probably not) I have noticed more & more cruiserati rocking the FF.

Unless you’re a fetus...