
I was in the market for another car and I was seriously considering a GTI as I stupidly thought they would be incentivizing customers to their petrol vehicles...Nothing. Dealers were super unhelpful and they don’t even offer leases in my area (Charlotte, NC)

5 Years? My god, I’m so observant

Wasn’t Ollie part of the EVO Magazine team?

I preface this by saying I’m a web developer and have more technology around me than I know what to do with. However when I get into the car to enjoy a drive, I couldn’t give a flying donut about the technology my car has in it.

*Miata Wagon

Possibly plus a few seconds reaction/preparation time to actually get the car rolling. When the car you’re chasing is doing almost 3 miles a minute, the 45 seconds to get to the 135mph, your chances of catching SIGHT of him are very, very low.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. However, under NO circumstances should you refer to it as an ‘Over Reaction’

When I watched this clip origianlly I imagined he must be on a 250, or other similar small bike..but no, its an R6.

Starting to spin - Put two feet in?

I think the ‘hydraulic steering’ point could be relevant for a number of years to come.

I think rather than turning things into a ‘Nanny state’ we should allow choices in this world. At every Motorsport Event I have ever attended I have looked at my pass and see the disclaimer that “Motorsport Can Be Dangerous.”

How about that bastard CY88 from Petrolhead forums that told us about a secret bunker in his back garden. Spent thousands upon thousands of $ on excavating equipment, dug massive holes in his pristine living area, almost had his wife leave him, found a tunnel filled full of World War II artifacts and then fucking

Every fast Alfa I’ve sat in had the most wonderful seats. The sort of seats that make you feel 12 years old again, where you would row through the gears and make ‘Broom, Broom, tire squeelie noises’.... mostly because they were all broken and that was the only way to enjoy them

You know what’s great? Having a few beers!

That’s what she said....

My pulse went up when I was watching that.

Have you looked at Hyundai recently? They are rather far off ‘Tiny Econoboxes’ and have been for a number of years.

Banned, or sponsored?

A lady who argued with me until she was blue in the face that her Dinan tuned Mini Cooper S was real wheel drive. I walked over to her car, took a photo from under the rear bumper and showed it to her...She still argued it was rear wheel drive

You’re right, no one forced them. However the people that are taking these loans are the people who are paid minimum wage, those who are living paycheck to paycheck and when a series of unexpected challenges arise they have nowhere else to turn.