Scott Wilkinson

As someone who took piano lessons for nearly 10 years, it's amazing to watch someone with that much skill and musical ability. I could not play like that, not even close, but the feeling you get when a piece all comes together and you're the one making the music and you feel like the piano is a part of you, is an

"Will it be out before Game of Thrones?" and "Will it be less than $20 per month?" are the only questions I really care about, so I'm in :)

Now playing

Sounds not crazy enough... should swap on some EL headers like this one

Now playing

OMG THAT'S FLULA! He's god damn hilarious! You gotta see his video on the phrase "party pooper"... I die laughing every time.

Occifer, I swear to drunk I'm not god. Smell my beer, does it smell like breath to you?