
As I age, my hate for many crappy cars has mellowed. But! I will carry an acute loathing for LeBaron to my deathbed. Spiteful, shoddy, cheap-ass, poorly designed & constucted shitheaps!

Brass-plated hot rodding at its best. Cable brakes, torque that would tear most cars apart, not even a nod toward safety. That these beasts exist makes up for so many beige Camrys.

I would gladly sell the RR ties off my bunny if someone actually >wanted< them! Only way they aren’t anoying is to puncture the bumper shocks and push them all the way against the body—and at that point, they provide no protection.

Also, while it IS possible to remove the engine without trans, it’s way easier to just pull both. I’m not a crate engine guy, but I could see rebuilding the trans while it was out if I cared enough to drop the coin for the crate engine.

Motor mount failure can allow the power steering pump pulley to cut into the oil cooler lines: instant(damn near) engine death.

A while back-just for fun-I unhooked the fan in my old Rabbit and clipped a meter on it. At 60 I got (iirc) right at 5 volts. Never hooked an ammeter to it, but couldn’t be much...

There's a Smart Road facility at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg Va. Sensors everywhere, and sprinklers which can simulate anything from light drizzle to monsoon rains. Not sure about materials testing, tho

“shows a car moving so quickly...”

I don’t hate you, but I strongly disagree about utility. I work on pianos: I can get a grand action in my wagon quite nicely, thank you!

I know the Internet is harsh, but remember that these idiots had parents who are grieving, wouldja?

Star for you. Sad comentary on the world we live in

Expired soup? What...the....actual....?

Kudos, Neon!

Cleared top and bottom of my steep crappy gravel driveway(middle in shade, so iced). Bottom is launching pad for my old wagon: top asphalt I cleared completely so I would have traction to get over the top into the road. Was dry when I pulled in last night.

If it was ‘clickityclickity-bang’, then likely was the vaccuum-actuated hubs as I noted on the original thread.

We got a Rabbit LS in ‘82. 72 hp in a 1960lb car. Not blindingly fast, but surprisingly quick and pretty nimble. Hella fun, really. I for one do not >need< 200+ hp to have a good time.

Not NYC, but I really got a kick from watching a cop with chains chase a snowmobiler down 220 in SW Va some 22-23 years ago

Meanwhile, some people are unphazed. Ontario plates. Roanoke Va this morning with about 3" on the ground.