She’s a stone cold fox!
She’s a stone cold fox!
Now look...I love that she’s going to be the leader of the free world and I’m super legit in love with her wonky policy brain, but for one second, can we discuss how amazing Hillary’s cheekbones are??
Probably so. And possibly of questionable gender? Especially since they started tearing up a bathroom? Or is that because they’d just done bumps off the toilet stand?
You, too! After a marathon, you’ll stroll through the half!
My money is STILL on them being robbed of coke. Which is why they aren’t saying anything was stolen.
Totally. I had one particular DJ I loved and he (Howie) ended up on many of my mix tapes.
I’m a “straight” lady who straddles the middle of the Kinsey line and I really, REALLY want to be in their gang.
I could watch this ALL DAY LONG and I have no idea what they’re saying. But I don’t even care.
I’m lucky enough to have a training partner - we’re doing the race together. But summer vacations and work schedules and kids have made it a bit more difficult lately. Also, HEAT. I’m in the DC area and it’s been absolute misery. I had to run 16 miles on a TREADMILL last weekend.
I am training for my first one and Freedom has DEFINITELY been in rotation near the end of my long runs. I imagine stomp-dancing in the water with her and Kendrick Lamar. The miles melt away!
Kate McKinnon is a confirmed cat lady. Her cat Nino is her LIFE.
You are a goddess for saving her!
I had a typewriter as well. And our first electronic mail was on a UNIX account!
MILK CRATES. How could I forget those?? So many milk crates. Those were essential furniture.
I came to college with a ticking stripe duvet cover I’d sewed myself and a huge Pearl Jam poster that said “4 Out Of 5 Kids Prefer Toys To Guns.” And a hot plate.
Did anyone else watch Galavant? Menken did all the music for it and produced. I was SO SAD when it was cancelled because it was hilarious. :(