Scot Eric

"Who Shot JR" was a global phenomenon, plastered across headlines in countries all around the world, with expectations and speculations that lasted for several months. It's the granddaddy of all cliffhangers and other than the M*A*S*H finale — it's the most watched TV series episode of all time. So no offense to Lucy,

Air Force One was definitely an enjoyable and fun ride back in the day — but calling it "Ford's best post Indiana Jones action movie performance" — umm, can't put it in the same weight class as The Fugitive (either as an overall film or specifically for Ford's work).

Hmm…I would agree with what you've said here, even if I thought S5 was the best the series had been since S2. I was less enchanted last year — when the SA race (despite having DHP join the cast) just took too much away from the series overall, combined with half a season of a bummer Cary story line and the 2nd half

Apologies for my lack of clarity (posting while ill doesn't help, that's for sure) — I actually meant the previous AV club review, not another source.

My only confusion is reading this and one other recent review — that seem to be ripping on the season as a whole. Yet this very site gave episodes 7.3 through 7.7 grades of A- , as well as three others fell in the B-/B/B+ range. So simply the last two episodes have garnered C range grades, and thus the show is now a

So Noel, I suspect you might enjoy this recent podcast we did(switching gears from our usual shows we focus entire casts on, such as Mad Men or Better Call Saul) – where we gathered a few longtime Flash fans to discuss the character, the series and especially the last two episodes. One guest’s audio is pretty awful

Love a lot of the list (despite being weary of the backhanded slaps at both TDS & TCR whenever Last Week Tonight is lauded, as it never takes into account any number of ongoing storers being covered night after night on either of those shows). In fact, I don't so much question the shows being chosen (such as Mad Men