
Interesting to read considering I just heard recently that Bees adopt the behaviour of the Queen in their hive. Some hives have threatening, agressive worker bees and apparently it all goes back to the Queen. Reminds of the proverb “When a wicked king rules, all his servants are evil”.


Probably the dumbest article I ever read on here. Totally stupid and some of the comments are equally nonsensical.

You fool Rus+

(UVB-76) d.crack.hermer

Irresponsible, stupid and pointless. How to call this “record of achievement”awesome? If he had made a small mistake it’s all over. What would his wife and kids think of him then. Nuts!

Oh the Apple playbook screenplay formula. Viva La difference?!!

Either side of the climate debate can never be convinced can they? It’s like religion or politics and can be a real breaker of friendships.

Steve Jobs once said anyone who has to use a PPT presentation to explain something, doesn't know what he's talking about. I guess that might be an out for the dudes at VW!

It’s only money. What is important is what it can do with that money to make itself better. I don’t know that it knows what to do with its prosperity.

I think you need a medical help site and not Giz.

They are actually ICBMs heading towards it. God help us if they detect and retaliate. Our great great great great great (to the power of 1 sqizzilion) will be fucked!

So let me understand this clearer. There are “claims” by a Silicon Valley company as to patent infringement. What about a court order. That the agents can just roll up like this and confiscate products regardless of the veracity of the claims is a disgrace and abuse of due process. What about taking this matter

Just remember that locks are only to keep the honest people out :-)

Really dumb comment you made. This is the thin edge of the wedge of distributed generation that will give power to the people and not big utilities. At approx $300 per year cost, this is a game changer.

According to press reporting, we were led to believe that China's 97% market share stranglehold was going to present a real problem. The article nicely tells us the end of the story. Unlike oil, which has less direct competitors, it goes to show that there are often ways to work around a problem and more than one

It all starts with fishing.. and ends with fighting!