Furthermore, there isn’t anything other than bullshit about range vs. reliability.
But that’s partially because Porsche is not willing to make the trade-off between range and reliability that Tesla is, as contributor Mack Hogan has explained.
You're just a Porsche short!!
When Tesla screws up: Jalopnik goes out of its way to remind people how bad of a misstep it is. Repeatedly.
Very big.
So how big was the check from Porsche?
Wow... biased much in the news? Bad journalism 101 and you passed with extra points. Leave your depressive feelings aside and stick to the facts.
Anyone could’ve hit that, and it’s not a pylon it’s a cone in the parking lot of the restaurant. You’re making a mountain out of a mole hill. Someone should take your press pass
And I will keep starring for every comment I see like this. We all should. This comment should be at the top of every comment section forever.
Amen on auto-play with sound. Kill them with fire.
Stop the auto-play videos with sound already, I’m going to complain in every comment.
That’s false. They have never donated to any “anti gay” groups. On the contrary, they HIRE homosexuals. Please educate yourself and stop spreading hate.
Kevin, your article intrigued me. I want to try the Popeye’s chicken sandwich now. I will say that I’m disappointed at your shots and disdain for Chick-fil-A’s so-called “politics.” The fact is, Chick-fil-A doesn’t have a corporate political position. All the hate (and, yes, it’s hate) stems from a comment made about…
If you think Godly principles are immoral then you are the truly immoral one. You call good evil and evil good. You are eternally lost. It’s sad that you are corrupting your children and putting them on a path to hell with you.
LOL. Yeah, my dream vehicle... a 186,000 mile I’m-an-a-hole Hummer with a 5 speed. Because, a 5 speed makes EVERY car better, right? It’s a “rare” car because no one wants that crap. It’s not worth $6,400 because good luck selling it for ANY price especially as you climb above 200k. Very hard pass.
And one of the nice features of capitalism is, if you don’t like it, you don’t have to pay for it.
This concept is bad, however air travel has never been more affordable or accessable.
You seem smug. What if there are other reasons beyond fear of range or fear of change? You even hinted at one. They’re expensive, more than thrifty versions of Corollas or Mazda3s. People probably can’t justify the extra cost to get into an EV. Additionally, automakers have been making these vehicles (and other…
OK, I’ll ask: what’s with the hair?