
Yes, that’s what I’m referring to.

Game Genie, the only way I was able to beat Link. That freaking road to the last castle, brutal.

Yeah. I mean, norovirus doesn’t actually require medical treatment, so a person with that is not going to get timely attention at the ER.

Why don’t you hold your breath and find out?

I currently tip 85%, but I’m concerned it may not be enough.

Right?? Bizarre to me that anyone would think these are real questions.

Yeah. Even the first movie used parsecs a measure of time rather than distance, yet the nitpickers somehow find a way to live with that/pretend it wasn’t a mistake.

I do that too, when sufficiently pissed. And it’s very satisfying.

I hadn’t even realized his absence from the show was permanent—I assumed he was off filming a movie or something.

Honestly, the first time it really hit me as being a shameless attempt at exploitation was at the end of season seven, when they brought out the childhood pictures of the contestants and asked what they’d tell their younger selves, which seemed entirely geared to get Pearl to talk about possible abuse. It was the

It made me uncomfortable. They’re compelling the queens to publicly address things they may not be emotionally equipped to deal with, and Ru et al aren’t going to be there to provide emotional support in the weeks and months afterwards. Don’t fuck with people’s psyches for entertainment.

Snopes has some more info:

Many funeral homes handle the obits and fold the price into the funeral cost. Consequently, a lot of people don’t really know how obits are handled.

Small local papers, usually weeklies, often don’t charge.

I don’t know any good-sized newspaper that doesn’t charge to run obits. Smaller local papers typically don’t charge.

Obviously siblings would be more forgiving about her abandoning her children than her children would be. There’s a piece about it on Snopes that had some more details:

Yep. I fucking hated RotJ when it came out (still dislike it), but I didn’t spend the next year whining about it to my friends and sending George Lucas hate mail saying he had ruined my childhood. And I was actually a child at the time.

That, except with Petit Ecolier cookies.

She lost her planet pretty early in the film, so she was the princess of exactly nothing after that.

That production was terrible. I actually stopped paying attention about 30 seconds into it and had to force myself to watch it later so I could evaluate the queens’ performances. That thing was five solid minutes of bat guano.