I don’t care what he said in King of Kong; he definitely used the initials ACE.
I don’t care what he said in King of Kong; he definitely used the initials ACE.
I stand corrected!
The lip treatment was so odd I couldn’t help suspecting she’d had work done that had gone awry, and that the avant-garde look was a cover for it.
To be fair, though, Santino’s always had questionable taste.
Annie’s is indeed the correct choice. I feel a little guilty buying comparatively expensive ketchup, but it’s good, dang it.
Does Twin Galaxies have new management? From my hazy memory Twin Galaxies was just one guy who worshipped Billy Mitchell. This is a big change.
Too perfect not to be shared.
Good home fries are rare, but having had them...once...I keep trying. The crispy/creamy ration was lovely, and they were fried with onions and really delicious.
I will miss Winston so much. One of my all-time favorite characters.
Sorry, I posted something else and then thought the better of it. But it was in agreement with you.
The worst is when someone calls something a chocolate chip cookie and it’s made with oatmeal. That’s some BS right there.
Eh, never mind.
The Linda-Gene relationship really works for me. I’m sure she’d love to smother Tina and Louise with affection like that, so I’m glad she has one child who appreciates it.
And the dad is an ad exec for a big firm! Literally the entire family flew first-class across country to Disney World for a private guided visit. They are upper middle-class at the very least.
Yep. She’s clearly got a mean girl thing going on.
If a queen behaves badly I’m calling her on it, so go score your super-woke white chick points elsewhere.
What the fuck the title meant was exactly what my friends and I discussed as we left the theater in 1985.
There were several moments when I couldn’t get over how much she resembled Bianca.
I absolutely agree that there are questions about how black queens are treated by fans, but that doesn’t necessarily mean The Vixen isn’t the worst as far as attitudes go.
I disagreed with some of the eliminations in AS2, but the season itself I found absurdly entertaining, so no hate from me.