scortius the charioteer

No, but Imogen Heap was.

Wow.  Well its a good thing they never exceeded their mandate.  Ever.

that show’s tone veers maybe more crazily wild than any show I’ve ever seen.  It’s all over the place.


same.  When you’re spending 12-16 hours a day with people...

Knockoff by Dennis Feinstein.

The only reason would be equipment management (new hires, separation, device refreshes/replacements etc..) and asset/inventory management.  But if you’re setup right you don’t even really need to do most of that. Different companies have different levels of maturity in those spaces though.

This is 100% it.  So many companies are tied into 5-10 year leases and office space in major metropolitan areas is very expensive.  They want you back in the office to justify the cost to their board and shareholders.  But I don’t give a fuck about that.  I work in IT, I’m remote 4-5 days a week depending and my job

George R R Martin said as much as the aftermath of LOTR being an inspiration for ASoIaF.  What happens after the king returns and everything is assumed to be hunky dory?  If you push past that, you get to the really morally interesting stuff.

Don’t forget Blame of Cones

yeah he went on to do way better stuff with Yazoo and Erasure.

Perhaps they were unable to actually get Zlatan for this part because “Zlatan doesn’t do auditions.”

It’s not a high note.  That movie is incredibly regressive.

songs all written by the dearly departed Adam Schlesinger.  It’s a good romcom.  

and then falling asleep drunk, pissing on your couch in his sleep, then ghosting in the morning after turning the couch cushions over to the dry side.

He really does have a life.  All you have to do is follow his Insta.  He gets around and seems to have a great time doing it.

I mean aren’t they always a slog? You’re already preaching to the choir for the most part, most of us have seen multiple much more intriguing and horrifying documentaries.

Seriously.  I’d give my right nut to see the Hammers finish top 4.

and I’d like to forget it.

this is why they should just cut it altogether or add literally everyone and have the audience sit there mourning for an hour.