scortius the charioteer

This is all just making me incredibly sad.  Love love this game, this world, was really looking forward to whatever else was to come.

I’m more than confident she can handle wheelchair jimmy.

especially then

Eddie Redmayne sucks.  Always, in everything.

Rand Paul

Before it was aliens it was like 24/7 Nostradamus/DaVinci Code knock off bullshit, then it was some of both, then it was full on aliens.


I hated Friends, I’m sick to death of the cast being milked for every tiny detail of their lives for decades, I DGAF about this chinless wonder, but yet I somehow know way too much about him.

there are no Snyder diehards. Just bots.

Bryan Brown was so great, I’ve seen both F/X movies more than once.

Funnily enough, if you care to explore this part of the game, there is a side story that deals with a game company that doomed itself with it’s own ambition.

This post builds 0.000000001% of Communism.

It’s like knowing James Caan wasn’t Italian.

But Natalie Wood.

Ill see myself overboard.

probably better than whatever is in this movie

Literally anything by the Cramps.

this drives me ape you big gorilla.

Only the corpse of Eddie Money showing and singing the titular song could make this any worse.

Gleeson and a McDonagh directing will do it for me.  Either McDonagh.  Farrell and Gleeson together is just the icing on the cake.