scortius the charioteer

I met her years ago at a book signing in town for her and Patrick Rothfuss back when his second book came out and I think she was there for Inheritance first book. Nice lady, talked for about 5 minutes.  Great writer too, I liked that trilogy.

he probably uses tabs instead of spaces.

I just hit this episode yesterday in my streaming of the show that’s been going for about 3 months now.

She’s been trash since at least the 90's. Definitely one of the least sympathetic people out there.

Under Augustus, the Leges Juliae of 18–17 BC attempted to elevate both the morals and the numbers of the upper classes in Rome and to increase the population by encouraging marriage and having children.

It’s so bad that I have made the claim that you can pick any news story on any subject completely at random, and not only will the first ten pages of comments contain statements that would make Joseph Goebbels join a monastery, but the very first page will feature someone saying something you would never consider

Spoilers:  It’s pretty great.

I loved his Bruno and Boots books when I was a kid.  Also the other books that totally weren’t Bruno and Boots but totally were.

Is this Weyoun 5 or 6?

-the AV Club

Didn’t care when it was on, don’t care now.  Same goes for the Office.  Sick of it.

as in the pee tape is real

If only Trump was the face of the Watersports section

Or you could just buy money on the dark web

I wish you would step back from that edge my friend.

This is part of the subversion referred to by Dowd. Arrogant, narcissistic PI’s in love with themselves and their own superiority in service of itself, has been a trope since forever. Craig’s character is ridiculous, (and I love it) but is ultimately revealed to be just a good detective with justice as his motive. 

It really is comfy as hell  

all opinions are political whether the person realizes it or not.

a friend of ours invited the wife and I to a Quixtar (Amway) “dinner party” around 15 years ago. We haven’t spoken to them since the presentation was sprung on us after dinner.  We did get a free 100 ft roll of foil though.  So that was nice.

Jake Busey’s father also played a coked out asshole who helps the protagonist played by Tom Cruise in The Firm.  His name:  Eddie Lomax.