scortius the charioteer

Everything I know about kaiju I learned from my son and Monster Island Buddies.  

Hey everyone, this guy’s a secret Byzantine!  How old are you anyhow?

It really isn’t.  I wish it was though.

Now playing

This is the most bullshit I have ever heard. A punk playlist with nothing political on it? That seems pretty Crass.

Super looking forward to this.  

I don’t care either way, it’s just what will happen.

I particularly hated him in The Constant Gardener

Eagerly awaiting this F of a movie. Will there be shittily lit action sequences in dimly lit nondescript hallways? Will there be hordes of generically Eastern European bad guys getting slaughtered wholesale? THERE FUCKING WELL BETTER BE.

No because everyone he ever fucked both literally and figuratively will come out of the woodwork for their 15 minutes.

the pic above of Clooney is bizarre from the neck up. What is going on there?

Now playing

Let us replace Epic Sax Guy, with our own Sexy Sax Guy.

Not sure why they changed Alexander the Grape to Grapeheads but I am pretty sure why Cherry is different now. This is how I remember them from the ice cream truck.

Hi Alan.

Monte Cristo - Count of Sandwiches

I always had a softspot for Victoria.

I’m fairly certain there are like 150-200 movies that just cycle through Prime, Hulu and Netflix, only HBO ever seems to get anything out of the ordinary on a consistent basis as far as older movies.

Most looking forward to A Brightness Long Ago by GG Kay. 

I’ve tried them. Not my thing.

Andale.  Dug the first season, can’t wait.