Dig that sweet Laurel Canyon Sound!
Dig that sweet Laurel Canyon Sound!
Whoever it is, they seem overly invested in the ruling here. It must be good news for their case too.
Alright, we're cool then.
What are your feelings on rubberbabybuggybumpers though?
More Money = Better Than!
I've seen several where they deliberately pretend to misunderstand things to make up sins for movies where there are actual huge problems they could point out. It's infuriating.
You can't trust a man what's made of gas!
It was Psycho.
The "zombies eat only brains" thing from Return of the Living Dead maybe?
ETA: I guess that's more of a wrinkle in the mythology than a high concept, but still, everybody knows "BRAAAAAAAIIINS!!!!" but nobody ever gets it when I rant about how this isn't a costume.
Cannonball will be played by alternating members of The Breeders.
But he likes all the stuff people he thinks are cool said it was okay to like! He knows his shit!
When that movie came out, somebody here (I don't remember who) said they had a friend who insisted on calling it "Mary Mary Mary Mary" and that is now the only name I can think of it as.
Well they still let me in for free at the theater where I used to work, so don't blame me!
My favorite thing about Bolan's lyrics is that he clearly had no idea whatsoever what the term "rip-off" means.
"Dancing in the nude, I'm feeling such a dude, it's a rip off"? WTF?
Well even if it was good just knowing there is one ruins its impact. That's why I'll always revere the person who lent me Audition with nary a hint.
Ha, yes that is the downside of having formed my decision-making as a child watching horror movies on cable without supervision. I avoid almost any kind of interesting plot.
I was moving some stuff out of my work's storage place one time and stumbled across a VCR on a shelf. Amused, I looked inside to see if there was a tape. There was. It was labeled "RING LOOP".
Since I'm not a horror-movie-universe type moron I left it the hell alone and nothing terrible has happened to me.
Whenever I fly in my dreams I always have trouble slowing down to land. I have to aim for the side of buildings and grab onto a gutter or something.
Not sure where you're coming from with those first two paragraphs. All I'm saying is there's an unnerving strain among the people whose beliefs align with my own to blithely dismiss anybody without a first rate education, and as one of those people it puts me off.
That correlation is definitely something to think about, I agree, and it's fair to bring that up. I just don't like how legitimate points like that get mixed together with people who just want to call other people morons and feel good about themselves. The reason for this post being the one that pushed me to say…