Scorpy's Neural Clone

I'm as far left as anybody here so I'm not trolling or anything, but as somebody who never had the money to go school I really hate these swipes at the "uneducated" I keep seeing around here. Like, the people running the government are assholes for gutting education, and yet the people who the government has failed

I don't have an action hero phrase but I've always thought that if I became a Federation Starship Captain, my "go to warp" command would definitely be "Number One… make it do!"

That would be kind of awesome. Has there ever been a good Lucifer origin movie?

The subtitles on my dvd say "bear", but I'd have never known otherwise.

And fuck us all anyway for the limber-dicked cocksuckers we are.

Aw that's kind of a bummer. I'd always thought the "P" was peyote.

The bass drum has to sound like it's made of cardboard.

And then definitely at some point Christensen would be the only one receiving all the the ROTJ money. I guess it's too complicated to be simple. I think it could be applied to records though. Like, it's weird for people at record companies to be making money off of musicians who died before they were born.

Hmm, yeah I guess comic book characters and such is a tricky thing. And for Star Wars, you could have some assistant sound editor or something still alive to I guess get all the leftover royalties? Man being the last one left would be a real boon. I suppose having every movie ever lapse into public domain every time

I agree, though I am generally for such things so I may be biased.

I mean, it could be that it's not some kind of statement but just something people think looks good? People didn't stop piercing their ears when that became commonplace.

I feel a useful guideline might be that if nobody involved in the production of a thing is alive anymore then it should be public domain. Didn't Michael Jackson own the rights to all the Lennon/McCartney stuff anyway?

I am doing so now. I have to admit to being deliberately incurious to Martin's writings as a kind of overreaction to the snobbery of certain "book readers" around these parts, but as soon as I'm done with these videos I'm off to the used book store to dig for GRRM sci fi novels, because those sound badass.

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Well the show could exist a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away. Is there a Prime Directive type attitude in the Star Wars world though? Or do they just drop tech on every humanoid civilization they come across?

Are we not counting Bashir and Garak?

Brock's always had a license to kill except for that one episode when it expired and he had to take the test again. He can kill whenever he likes.

Wouldn't that defeat the purpose of the ordeal providing proof of consummation?

Well they did see the error of their ways and recanted. I mean, it's fucking magical!

Damn no that'd be eight. Triduology?