Scorpy's Neural Clone

Wrong script died!

Isn't that Dark Star?

Nice try, narc.

He's definitely doing a Warhol thing, no question. The wig looks the same though, so maybe it's a joke, like he went to his wig guy and all he had was Sia hair but Frank couldn't tell the difference?

I've never heard of this person either until now. Not sure why these guys are being dicks about it. Is she supposed to be like Beyonce famous or something?

Nor the furniture place near me with the Blockbuster-ticket shaped sign.

And Steven Segal as… Night Thrasher?

I was shaving my beard off the other day and left that little bit on to do a joke at my girlfriend and damn if I didn't look freaking incredible with it. Obviously there are better reasons to hate the man, but this is also one of them.

Reminds me of my own experiences with "amphetamine jaw". Dude looks wired as fuck.

It should be Jemaine Clement doing his Bowie impression.

Her weird romance with Odo on DS9 kind of redeems the character, IMO.

But those sounds are evil magic, that's why they're called curses!

I'll answer your question with another question: What about Bob?

I bought a vaporizer on a whim at the local head shop in an attempt to cheer myself up after a bad day at work. Turns out it's produced in China and makes this disgusting burnt plastic smell when you heat it up so I possibly inhaled toxic Chinese plastic fumes. Is that extraordinary? Would it be if I develop a Kuato

My 60 year old mother who bombards me with Miranda videos for half-hour chunks at a time whenever I go over there would disagree with you. I once had to awkwardly pretend to enjoy the one with Seinfeld awkwardly pretending to enjoy being there, if only because now that my parents are old it's like ridiculously easy to

Absolutely. To me it's like a bizarre mix up of elements from Tron, 2001, Phantasm, and half-remembered nightmares from childhood. I love it.

Yeah I looked up some reviews after I watched it. The one on the Dissolve in particular was full of people just livid over comparisons to Lynch and Kubrick, bemoaning the time they'd lost watching nothing happen. I too was pleasantly surprised, having watched it based on a description of "a throwback to 80's slasher

Best Chappie in a Chappie: Eddie Redmayne?!

IMDB lists it as a 2014 release so I guess she was snubbed last year instead?

He doesn't play guitar so it's okay.