My hero!
My hero!
Damn, it's been a long time. I knew they were smoking something out there, the nogoodniks.
If only.
I'm guessing this in reference to an edit you made to the initial comment. I assure you, I have not reloaded the page and the comment stands here in all its misogynistic glory. Not that it matters, it'll all be burned and salted soon enough.
Ha, I had a different name back in those days too. I ditched it after one too many embarrassing dust-ups with "laid-back stoner" Doug Benson. Oh shit, he doesn't come in here anymore does he?
I like your list, and I'd throw in ABC's of Death 2, if only for the segment where two kids get sucked into the horrifically violent world of their He-man ripoff toys.
I like the part where the cool dude apparently has a dry pack of cigarettes in his underwear after swimming to the raft.
The characters don't say it, the movie does. It's the entire premise.
I use those bags to pick up after my dog. Also, I'm not on facebook. You can do these things too!
They also stuck in some music here and there, if I remember correctly..
Anyone who digs found footage even a little should check out The Borderlands. Haunted old church in England, nuff said.
I agree. I don't normally go for "regular human murderer" type flicks but the atmosphere can do a lot. Inside, for example, is a spooky ass haunted house movie where the ghoul just happens to be alive rather than undead.
Well in that case you can just right-cli… oh, nevermind. Hey everybody, Utah can't see if we're downvoting him!
Fozzie, for sure. Look at that hat.
Another factor is that a horror movie doesn't need to be "good" in order to be effective. If it can tap into one's personal nightmare logic, even for one second, then a horror fan will be won over. This may skew what people in the industry see as successful, what with the diehard, watch-everything horror crowd and all.
Yeah, I saw an ad for It Follows at a Walmart in Louisiana. It's getting around.
I upvote every time I see a Beyond the Black Rainbow mention
As Above, So Below, while by not by any definition "good", really scratched my itch for people trapped in labyrinthine tombs with Evil. See also the similarly terrible The Pyramid. Or don't. Unless you have the same specific deal. It's awful.
Zombies will stick around for a while just because they've come to represent many Americans' latent desire to fire indiscriminately into a crowd of "others".