I plan on becoming a Kaufman style wrestling heel, calling out audience members for fights and manhandling them inappropriately. The twist? Instead of women it'll be small children!
I plan on becoming a Kaufman style wrestling heel, calling out audience members for fights and manhandling them inappropriately. The twist? Instead of women it'll be small children!
There's no way anything from a Cameron script got in one of Raimi's Spidey movies except maybe the word "Spiderman". That thing is completely batshit.
True, but I've been able to accurately predict the last 6 or 7 eliminations just based on perceived skill level. Before each episode I announce to my girlfriend "It's (whoever)'s turn", and it's been pretty accurate so far. The last few seasons have been that way.
Also, they've more and more frequently been eliminating in order of pedigree. The last 6 episodes I guessed who's turn it was before it even started. Mei's a Voltaggio protege, of course she got through.
That's not wine, that's the only socially acceptable form of blood sacrifice in this country. But I slay one goat in my front yard in the full moon light and I'm the bad guy!
I will!
Anyone watch that Return of the Living Dead doc, Mooooore Braaains… or somesuch? The O'bannon interview is incredible. He was a paranoid militant hippie who kept a loaded gun within five steps of anywhere in his house. Until his lady got preggers, then he decided to get rid of them which is sensible, but still.
Well maybe you all just couldn't understand it with your puny man-animal ratbrains! Didja ever think of THAT?
I had a group of friends from high school that I haven't seen in like 6 years who, at that time, worshiped this show and believed the gang was an ideal to aspire to. They had assigned themselves patron characters and made an effort to behave accordingly to each other. I wonder if they're still doing that now that the…
I remember reading in the season walkthrough for whichever one had Quarles as the villain that they hadn't even written the ending before episodes began airing, so it's not unusual, at least for this show.
That's some good condescension everybody! As an uneducated football fan who views the NFL season as just another TV show, I'm wondering how being interested in this is different at all from being caught up in whatever your favorite show is doing? It's a huge twist leading into the finale! I had no idea I was only…
Only Lovers is one of the best movies I've seen in the last ten years. Can't believe the lack of recognition for it.
No no Teller's the silent one. Penn is the smug one.
So Hollywood's still mad at PTA for going after Scientology I guess?
He's fine, I guess, but not "let's give him awards every damn year" good. I just feel that they should only let Brits and Aussies do fake southern accents. Non-southern Americans just have no idea.
That commercial where Cooper's ridiculous southern accent is interspersed with a comment claiming it's a performance for the ages reminded me of the trailers at the start of Tropic Thunder.
As a former projectionist I can tell you that half the time those sheets just end up in the trash, having never been glanced. One of the first movies I built was Episode III, which came with such a spec-sheet. When I pulled it from the can my boss(who had been running the place for six years) was completely baffled.…
…on weeeeed?
Don't forget that they're probably all HAVING SEX with people! Women who have sex are just the worst.
Yeah well you sound like a Denver Donkos fan!