Scorpy's Neural Clone


It's not about empathy, it's about logic. Obviously because the Holocaust happened that means there's no such thing as mental illness.

My house has always been KISS-free, but now it's KISS-free with purpose!

Septic Man
Don't worry
Take your time
Don't hurry

Even though it's a god-awful movie, this year's In the Blood is also chock full of husband-in-distress moments.

Play some music before you go…

Last Tango in Portland

Were his burgers steaks? Because restaurants I've worked didn't allow for rare-cooked ground beef, on account of the bacteria and whatnot.

Strange how contentiously phrased this is. One would assume the man is referring to the All Stars season that he did win, if one were the sort to call up challenge-win stats from memory.

He's just one of the prisoners yelling from the upper walkway when they first enter the prison. He's there for like 2 seconds.

[Edit makes my comment irrelevant]

Is that Robert Smigel?

But wouldn't his superior strength in our weak gravity actually result in him getting very little exercise? He'd still be stronger than everybody but also be a bit stringy maybe?

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Indeed, especially because his role in In the Loop had him as my number one dream choice for an eventual POTUS appearance.

Indeed, especially because his role in In the Loop had him as my number one dream choice for an eventual POTUS appearance.

Peace Loving General Starts Brawl at UN, Swiss Intervene.

Goodness no!

I think Hell Baby and Balls of Fire were their passion projects, neither of which appeared to be heavily funded at all.

Also, lack of composition is such a strange critique here. It isn't actually found footage. The director is still setting up the shots. It's not like it was staged in one continuous take while the actors just hope to get their cameras near the right area.