Scorpy's Neural Clone

For me it's in Empire, when Vader stops to specifically address him about disintegrations, implying that at some point Fett had gone against Vader's orders and killed a target that was meant to be taken alive, but was such a valuable asset that he just got scolded and hired again.

Ben bowing out with a respectful "daniwah" was just perfect.

I cried, y'all.

Just wanted to thank ya for making Borderlands known to me. I watched it a few days ago and it's still fucking with me. It's literally like nothing I've ever seen in a movie.

Also, The Doors' Waiting for the Sun with Godzilla Vs the Smog Monster.

There's a super low budget flick called All Hallow's Eve that came out last year that I would say is worth a look. I went in with low expectations and was pleasantly surprised, especially by the third short and the wraparound conclusion. You have to gut it out through some pretty bad acting at the start to get there

Three… Extremes is fucking amazing. Also, the Fruit Chan segment was retooled a bit and stretched into a feature, Dumplings, which I have not seen but it's on the list to be sure
Three… Extremes 2 also has one of the creepiest things I have ever seen in its opening minute, though fails to deliver on its promise.

Hey settle down, the pot is making you aggressive!

I liked that the winning couple who needed air fare to reconnect were both in attendance.

As I understand it, most shows are not fully scripted when shooting, or even airing, begins. I recall, for instance, reading that Drew Thompson was not identified by the writers themselves until sometime after the 4th or 5th episode had shown already. This makes his decision to quit more baffling to my mind. And

Also, is anybody here watching the 5th season in a vacuum, having never seen the first four nor acquired the foreknowledge of a 6th and final one? In context, it's quite naturalistic of the show to include a slow exhalation, a calm before the storm. Such is life. I cannot calculate the number of times the past has

You've got to figure that Daddy Crowe wasn't around much to raise his baby girl. As the oldest, Daryl Jr. likely took a father-brother position in Wendy's estimation. Appropriate for the future sister-mother.

I feel the opposite about seasons 4 and 5 than the majority, it appears. I couldn't care less about Maguffins and "Big Bads'" (God I hate that term. Could we possibly try to sound less like 5 year olds in our TV analysis?). I'm interested and entertained simply watching people try to make their way in Elmore's world.